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May 2011 Minutes




In Attendance
Commission Members:
Clinton Miller, Chairman
Mark Brown, Vice Chairman
David Reynolds
J. Sargeant Reynolds, Jr.

Commission Staff:
Bernard J. Hettel, Executive Secretary
David S. Lermond, Jr., Deputy Executive Secretary
Kimberly M. Carter, Office Administrator
C. Richard Harden, DVM, Equine Medical Director
Joseph M. Roney, Director of Security & Enforcement
Peggy E. Mason, Permitting Manager

Attorney General’s Office:
Amy K. Dilworth

At 9:37 a.m., the regular monthly meeting of the Virginia Racing Commission (VRC) was called to order by Chairman Miller.

The minutes of the regular meeting held on April 26, 2011 were approved unanimously.

During Commissioners comments, Chairman Miller reviewed the standing and special committees and study groups of the Commission. The following persons have been appointed to update the list of committee members:

Breeders Fund Glenn Petty
Standardbred Subcommittee Mark Brown
Budget D. Reynolds/Lermond
Code Revision Clinton Miller
Racing Safety/Medication Dr. Harden
Security Joe Roney/Dr. Harden
Wagering and Technology Jeanna Bouzek
National Racing Compact Frank Petramalo

During the Executive Secretary’s report, Mr. Hettel informed the Commission that the Mid-Atlantic States would be coming together for a circuit in mid June to discuss medication rules.

After a motion by Vice Chairman Brown and a second by Commissioner D. Reynolds, the Benevolence Fund budget of $132,000 was approved unanimously.

Commissioner J. Reynolds moved to approve the VHHA’s Standardbred Management Contract at the same rate as the previous year. This was seconded by Vice Chairman Brown and carried unanimously.

A general discussion ensued on Harness Racing in Virginia. Chairman Miller proposed the following 3 study groups and chairs:
1. Standardbred – Vice Chairman Brown
2. Thoroughbred – Commissioner S. Reynolds (expanding gaming opportunities and track operations)
3. Thoroughbred - Commissioner D. Reynolds (enhancing revenues)

Chairman Miller made the following motion to go into closed session. “In accordance with the provisions of Section 2.2-3711 (A) (7) of the Code of Virginia, I move that the Commission go into closed meeting for the purpose of consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by the Commission regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel and consideration of certain expenses regarding a personnel matter.” Chairman Miller’s motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Brown. All were in favor by saying, “Aye.”

Coming out of closed meeting, Chairman Miller adopted of the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Virginia Racing Commission has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2 3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Commission that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Virginia Racing Commission certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Commission in the closed meeting. Certified by the Commission, the vote was: Brown, aye; D. Reynolds, aye; S. Reynolds, aye; and Chairman Miller, aye.

There being no further business, Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. was set as the date and time of the next meeting to be held at the Horsemen’s Building, Colonial Downs, 10700 Horsemen’s Road, New Kent, VA. The meeting was then adjourned.