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November 2009 Minutes

Virginia Racing Commission


November 17, 2009


In Attendance
Commission Members:
Peter C. Burnett, Chairman
Clinton Miller, Vice Chairman
Mark Brown
David C. Reynolds
Stuart Siegel

Commission Staff:
Victor I. Harrison, Executive Secretary
David S. Lermond, Jr., Deputy Executive Secretary
Kimberly M. Carter, Office Administrator
C. Richard Harden, DVM, Commission Veterinarian
Joseph M. Roney, Director of Security & Enforcement

Attorney General’s Office:
Amy K. Dilworth

At 9:39 a.m., the monthly meeting of the Commission was called to order by Chairman Burnett.

Chairman Burnett extended a warm welcome to Stuart Siegel for his appointment to the Commission.

The minutes of the October 21, 2009 meeting were approved (as amended with respect to the motion being approved unanimously prior to the recommendation.)

Commissioner Brown extended kudos to Security, Test Barn Staff, and the Stewards for a job well done during the Harness Meet.

The Commission voted to defer the adoption of the Final Exempt Amendments to 11 VAC 10-60-15 (Fee schedule for permit holders) until the December meeting. The motion was made by Vice Chairman Miller and seconded by Commissioner Brown. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Ian Stewart, President of Colonial Downs gave remarks on the completion of the 2009 Harness meet and also provided an update on the Advanced Deposit Account Wagering Companies.

“There being no further business,” Wednesday, December 16th was set as the date of the next meeting to be held at the Horsemen’s Building, Colonial Downs, 10700 Horsemen’s Road, New Kent, VA. It was moved, seconded, and carried to adjourn this November, 2009 monthly meeting of the Commission.